4. The Temple's Virtual Model.
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2. To Jericho

3. Eingedi's Secrets

4. The Temple's Virtual Model

5. Biblical Jerusalem

6. Caesarea

7. Gezer

8. Lachish

9. Jerusalem's model.

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Now you can make you own (virtual) pilgrimage.
The highly advanced new toy available for visitors at the Davidson Visitor's center of the Southern wall archaeological park is an interactive model of the Temple Mount some 2000 years ago. With the move of the mouse you can wonder around the temple mount and go all the way into the holy of holies. The software, genareted by a Silicon Graphis computer, creates a highly detailed model, 36,000 times more then a PC can do. The model was deveolped by a team from UCLA and recently became available for a small numbers of guides (including me..) to present to groups. Thank you Shira for the great work!. To learn more about the site link to www.archpark.org.il

The lower city.
The destination of pilgirmage is closer then ever.
Near Robinson's Arch.

Get Your Sacrifice at the Shops.
"Blease come in, - I'll make you good brice."
The Triple Gate.

Looking towards the Temple rom under the Royal Stoa.
The Temple from the South-East.
Are you excited? admitt it!.