7. Gezer
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7. Gezer

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Famous Gezer (though carrots were never found there..) Is an important Biblical site. Excavated since the begining of the 20th century, the site yielded numerous finds from Canaanite to Roman times.

  The massebot site of Gezer.
Dated to the Middle Bronze period, these standing stones were probably a canaanite shrine from the time of the Patriarchs.
The picture shows Bible translators and I trying to find biblical references that illminate the cultic site.

Colored brick wall from the City's gate.
This rare remain of a brick wall from the Middle bronze Period, is still visable t Gezer. Part of the city's gate, this wall is part of the Canaanite fortifications of the city.
Not far from the Cannanite City is a gate from the days of Solomon. That gate is maybe part of the fortifications project held by Solomon at the cities og Jeusalem, Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer, as mentioned in I king 9 15.

The City's water system.
Like many other Biblical cities, Gezer too has sophisticated watersystem,i.e. a hewned shaft that reaches undergraound water level, all within the city.