2. To Jericho
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Jericho holds two world records: the oldest and the lowest city on earth. It also hosts holy sites and ancient palaces.
Ok. Maybe right now is not the best time to go there. To much political tension.
But here's some of the city sites to give you apetit to visit the area in a more quite time.
(c) All pictures taken by Takayoshi Oshima.

The Neolithic tower in the tell of Jericho. Jericho is thus the most ancient city in the World!.

The walls of Biblical Jericho remind us of Joshua 6, but let's take the new cable car!.

The cable car will take you to the mountain east of the city. It has a nice restaurant, and..

To the entrance of Mt. of Tempatation. The hall is the living area of the monks.
who is that handsome guy?..

The main room in the church is dark, like most Greek Orthodox churches.

The holiest part of the church is a rock identified as the seat on which Jesus set when tempted by Satan.

The bells tower of the monastery.

Nearby are the remains of the Winter palace of king Herod. Today you can start the visit with a royal cup of coffee..

Part of the bath house in Herod's palace.

Another palace built in Jericho is the 8th century CE Hisham's palace. The hexagonal decorated the entrance.

A decorated fence from the fountain-tower in Hisham's palace.

The Diwan of Hisham's palace is decorated with one of the most beautiful mosaics ever found in Israel.

Not far from Hisham's Palace a contemporary Synagogue was found.

On the way back, around one of the corners, the beautiful S. George Monastery can be seen.