3. Eingedi's secrets.
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Besides being a breathtaking Oasis on the western banks of the dead sea, Eingedi hides ancient secrets of precious perfume production. Let's try solving the mystery.
The Ancient sources talk in length the about the Balsam perfume that was manufactored in Eingedi. It was the best of it's kind and was sold for gold in the markets of Rome. All mention the unique production technique that made it so good. The shroub of the balsam and it's production are now lost. Many Archaeologists tried finding the old shroub and the factory of the balsam perfume. Recent excavations by the Prof. Y. Hirschfeld of the Hebrew U are digging new parts of ancient Ein-Gedi in hope to solve the mystery. I was member of the expidition for two seasons. Join me to view at the finds.
(c) All pictures are taken by Tim orbison and Me.

Above Eingedi, looking south.
The picture, taken from a cliff above Engedi, shows the steep landsapce west of the Dead sea. The Engedi springs are a vital aource of life in that area. Humens lived around this oasis since the Chalcolithic period. At the bottom of the picture is the modern Kibbutz Engedi.

Salt coated stones decorate the shores of the dead Sea.
It is not recommended to try fishing in this lake - "dead sea" applies to all..
On the other hand it is recommended to bath in these water - full of minerals which are good for your skin, and cause the body to float, so even non-swimmers can enjoy these waters.
Water fall in Nahal David.
Nahal David is a beautiful creek supplied with fresh water from near by springs. Being a protected natural park, it hosts various endemic plants and animals, famous of all are the gazzeles.
The ancient synagogue of Engedi.
In the 70's the synagogue of ancient Engedi was accidentilly revealed, when a tractor of the kibbutz was digging a tranch for an irigation water pipe. It contaqins some of the most beautiful and complete synaogue mosaics floors, and lengthy and important inscriptions.
A street in Ancient engedi.
For the Last six years Prof. Y. Hirschfeld of the Hebrew U resumed tyhe excavations at ancient Eingedi.
In one of the rooms,
Propaly the kitchen, this room contains sunken jars in the ground - a known technique to keep the water cooled, and an oven.
In another room.
in another room a nice complete pan was found.
And in another room..
Here a nice and also complete jug, maybe water pitcher, was found.
Engedi's Gold!.
In another room, under the entrance, a hoard of 15 golde coins were found.
Such a hoard in such a small village is rare, and perhaps testifies to the profit the locals made form the perfume industry.
A volunteer showing what he had just found.
The fragment of the importad Marble tass is further evidence to the wealth of this village.
Gideon Hadas checking an ancient water pool.
Gideon Hadas is a member of Kibbutz Engedi foing his Ph.D. on the ancient Agriculture around the dead sea. the set of wterpools he detected ar5oubnd the Engedi oasis were popably used to irigate the ancient date trees and balsam groves.
Rainbow in Engedi?.
Although it barely rains in Engedi, one day it did!, and Tim cought a beautiful rainbow right over the road to Engedi, decending in to the dead sea.

One last look at Engedi and it's area. Isn't it really a spiritual place?..